QUALI, Assignment 1.2 Understanding of research process

What is your research question/topic? Ways of introduction and development of Self-Regulation learning in Russia.
Which ‘philosophy’ best characterises your planned research? Constructivism. This theoretical review provides evidence to support scientific claims.  First, current research and theory are examined from the perspective afforded by using SRL-model in Russia. It reflects multiple realities, and illustrated different perspectives.


What are the purposes of your research? The purpose of this research is to evaluate the theoretical concerning regulation of motivation to emphasize its importance to students’ self-regulated learning in Russia.I believe that the cognitive architecture and focus on monitoring that differentiate SRL model align with much in current research while providing additional explanatory power and excellent results in new area.
What are the key research approaches that you plan to adopt? Integrative approach:

Second data collection,  compare approach, analyzing,


What is the main research methodology? Ethnography:

Theoretical review, evaluation of data, explanation.

How, if at all, will it impinge on policy or practice in education? Having a theory helps to identify the limits of using SRL in Russia. A theoretical framework specifies which key variables influence a SRL of interest. It alerts you to examine how those key variables might differ and under what circumstances.
What are the ethical issues, if any, to which your research might give rise? Honesty, Objectivity, Integrity, Carefulness, Openness, Respect for Intellectual Property, Confidentiality, Responsible Publication, Respect for colleagues, Social Responsibility, Non-Discrimination, Competence, Legality, Human Subjects Protection

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